Architecture design


To make a building or a scene, The theme to it needs to be right so that when you tell a story, it will make sense. To give an example, if I want something to represent industrial, I would have factories and houses in flats to represent workers living and working.

To give a more understanding into making the architecture, the middle eastern Architecture is set in the middle east. This map shows who in the middle eastern as to what countries are in it.

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The countries are in locations that are hot and has deserts which can make things uneasy if you do not drink water or find something cold to cool down. Before the late 20th and early 21st centuries, there was no air condition or water taps in many buildings. As a result, windows were put in so that the wind could make the buildings cold as well as having the buildings be made out of stones so that the air can be cold and make the building nice and cool as a result.

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This building in the middle east is an interesting example, it’s made in the cave because it was one of the ways to keep warm tempters out and cool tempters in. It also good in certain parts of where the sun sine because if the sun behind the building, it’s not going to make the building cold because the cave is shielding the building from the sun. You can also see the windows which are now boarded up for safety reasons also though some would be to try and keep cold air in. To explain, cold air in the dark with a cold stone room would make it very cold, perfect for very hot conditions.

Image result for Oman Architecture

This Architecture from Oman is a castle type which is barley in any paint colour. The reason some of the Architecture isn’t panted is because the sun and the heat would make it fade. You can also see some of the buildings not having a roof (including the castle). This is so that the hot air didn’t get trapped and would escape with ease, and if there was an area where there was a roof, many windows would be put in so the hot air can escape when it can’t from the roof.

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This is the city of Iran where you can see a lot of bricks walls, this is to try and make the sand that can be brow some times from the desert not get through which could make you go warm. There is also a dome where it can also get cold air in the building which is helpful as it can keep cold air in and turn hot air to cold as well. This is how many buildings would be done in the middle east to get cold air in it.

Another type of architecture is Romanesque which is the type of medieval (or middle ages) on the buildings being made with some of it being from the Roman period until the 12th century when Gothic architecture can to place. Many buildings are made to make it be churches as the time of the medieval was when things like the black death was going on and it was believe that it was god that was punishing the people. To get rid of the supernatural spirit, churches were made to get rid of the bad spirit and be healed.

Speyer Dom pano

This is one of the Romanesque architecture here is that the building has lots of windows but have glass in it because this is in Europe which is known to get cold. There are also towers on the building with cross on the top to tell that this is a church and it’s where you ring the bell. There are also some acres to make it where it’s for any one in any sizes.

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Here’s a Romanesque building that is has three towers to it to make it where it can send your priers with ease to god and has it in the country side so that there are lest buildings around it.

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This Romanesque building has it where there are almost no buildings around it and although there are windows that has no glass to it, it might of have when the building was in use and not as historic tour.

The different is that the Romanesque buildings isn’t close where it’s connected next to each other like the middle east building, the windows are glass in the Romanesque building to keep cold air out while the middle east has building windows that has no glass to let cold air in, both has domes but the dome in the middle east is to make cold air while the Romanesque buildings is to pray to god, and most of the Romanesque building are at some distance from the other building while the middle east building are close together or very far apart.

Architecture story telling

The architecture are helpful in storytelling as it gives a theme, what type of situation and atmosphere on, how the character relate to the building, and what objects can be related to the architecture.

The architecture can tell a story as it could be where the character needs to go, gives an indication of the bad guy building, the characters home and can make the scene look good for a scene as to what the character can interact with.

The architecture for the Romanesque gives the plot of a supernatural as the buildings are design to be like churches and have the theme that it can look spooky if not welcoming as it for a place for people to get rid of supernatural spirits. For the Middle east architecture, it’s a place where you would do your prays and go to get cool from the hot sun that is shining down from the sky.

For a middle east country, there would be a story where a city would have some of the buildings in caves and have watch towers from the top of the caves and have the walls connecting the buildings outside have some cut throughs in a arch shape which are to make it where it’s in shapes of the types of god. The type of people would be were they would be in fear as they don’t know the type of what will happen and that they are left for the unknown. The things they would do is that they would do is that they would work the water to make sure it would work well, deliver mail, sell products, and make buildings. The food that they make are shown below of the picture and the name of the food.

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Image result for middle east food
Image result for middle east food
Image result for middle east descerts

Sound in architecture

The sounds in the architecture would be from the outside and from the inside to give a theme as to what is going on and to make the scene look more intresting. will be used for the outside of the buildings because of the wind that will sometimes blow once in a while with sand along with it. I would use it when creating a world to make it where there’s an atmosphere and not where there’s no sound at all. will be used to make the scene a little bit spooky in that you don’t know what is going on and it may start to get strange. I would use it in the game as it makes the situation a bit on edge for the player on what is going to happen. is to sound of a snake in the building since some snakes uses caves as their own. I would use it to make it be that it’s not just the people and the character that are at this location as there are a few other things that are in the buildings. is to indicate the bats that looms around in the caves. This would be used to make the location be bad as these bats can hurt you so you have to watch where you go in the building. is to show that the place does have some traps from the building owner who seems to be unimpressed of you being here. This is added in so that the place is not safe and you should watch where you should go when walking around in the building.

Level planning


The level in the game (from last week), would be set in a city in a desert where many of the buildings are in caves. There would be characters who could talk nonsense or could give you a clue as to where you need to go. The save points in the game in where if you die then you response to that point, will have a statue of an animal like a Anubis, a Lion, a Fox, a Wolf, etc. You will know that they are save points because for starters, they would be 3D where it’s in the path of your way and before you past them, they glow red eyes and when you past them, they glow green eyes. This is to make sure the player doesn’t lose it and rage in that they won’t play again.

There would be some shops for some upgrades that you can make like having a better gun to fight against enemies or extra health so you have a longer health bar. The shops would be in where you can see them in buildings with no roof on top and would have it where there are some items where once you buy them, the item will go with you can on the store, it would say ‘sold out’ on it. New items would be installed when the player finish a level (and again if the player completes it). This is to make the player have a change to beat the tougher levels without finding it hard.

The enemies that the player would face is for starters snakes which can be killed by five punches or two shots. There would be bats in the dark areas where the payer can kill it with three punch or one shot. The player would also face some Crocodiles in the water that can be killed with ten punch or four shots. There would also be some bosses like a god creep (an accent god who looks like a creep) which needs to be defected by knocking over five pillars while avoiding it’s lighting bots and throwing of snakes. Another boss would be the king of dead which is a skeleton brought to life and you can’t shot it (it will have not effect to the king of dead) and you can’t punch it (you will take damage like the god creep).

There would be some quest that will happen in where the character would need to have to do some task. The task would be where the character would need to get something from a level in the game or would need to have it where it’s in the hub world. This will result in the player getting money or an upgrade to help. By also doing this, the player would have unlock more quest to do where they can get money and better upgrades.

The points of interested in the story is where the character would have it where they need to find something to get them out of trouble which if the character don’t do it, the character family will feel the full pain of what’s to come. The character needs to go to a place which would be strange and needs to fight their way to get what the person who is threating the character family wants from the place. The player would need to do it in order to have a chance in getting the job done. The key to this is speed, timing and planning as to what to do and how it would be executed. What I mean by that is that you need to do this in a good time to get a good ending from it.

Characters in world

The main protagonist that you play is a character who home life is normal until the villain of the game comes and threating to put the protagonist and his family of three to death. As a result, the protagonist is put out of his comfort zone and is now in a city in a desert which is something he’s not use to. He’s more of town kid then a city boy and is more into something where there’s like a beach, NOT a desert where there is lots of sand and little water. The protagonist is in to adventure and exploding location and finding things that could make him some money on returning something to their owner or taking it to the museum. One of the things the character doesn’t like however is exploring in the desert due to it being boring and that there is little exactment. “I’ll take streets, oceans, jungle, disuse factories, before desert!” he would say to others. The aspiration is to get something from the villain before the villain does something that will damage the protagonist life for good. The protagonist will have to put his hatred for the desert aside and go to the city in a desert to find what the villain wants as he’s determined to not let the villain harm his family. The backstory was that the protagonist father was like the protagonist on find finding what the protagonist father called ‘gold’ and getting money off of it. The protagonist follows in his father footsteps as he wanted fame and glory, only to realizes that it comes at a price as to what the story will go by. The protagonist loves his family and will do anything to make sure they don’t get hurt (even going as far as to commit suicide if his family dies). The protagonist children doesn’t know what their father is but the wife of the protagonist knows what her husband is.

The king of dead who is one of the bosses has the story told by finding scrips in the levels and by the people in the city as to what the king of dead was like. The king of dead used to be king of the city and as to what some of the locals say, he loves to rule with an iron fist and loves to rule in all riches. The king hated protest and would execute those who try to over throw him to show the fear on his enemies. His aspiration when he was dead but magically in some way, is to stop anyone who wants his pressures jewels, diamonds, crystals and atop of all his crown. He will kill anyone who tries to get his pressures treasure which is guarded by the god creep (the last line of defence) and will attack on different floor levels on how far adventures will go. He lives in a tomb but will at times comes out if he hears that something isn’t right and will go and end someone life or scare them off so that his pressures is save.

The god creep is a god who looks like a true creep, he’s the keeper of the treasure and won’t give it to anyone (not even the king of dead) and would only give it to those who deceivers it. The god creep likes a good challenge from someone who things that they can beet the god, only to run in retreat or get kills by the god. The god hates king of dead because he always wants the treasure he once own back and he won’t accept that there is no way he having it back from the god. His aspiration is to see who is really worth this treasure that can be explain for a good cause and not something like sending it to a museum or sell it on the black market. The city is what the people worship to the god so this is his home life on what he can do and can do it as he please like send in rain at times so the people in the city can have water as well as making the sun very hot as punishment. The back story goes that the god creep came when the king of dead was going too far in power and punished him and became the new leader. Everyone has to accept that he’s in the building, but not tell visitors that he’s actually in there and will end you should you challenge him and fail as it’s believed that telling the visitors who want the treasure will encourage them more.

This is what the god creep looks like.

Designing Quest

The first type of quest is where the player would need to get a port and take it to a small lake which is in greenly blue in instead of sky blue. The player would be confused by this and wouldn’t know why it’s like this since the other small lakes are not in this colour. After you do this, the person who ask you to do will say that she want’s to have the water that taste from the good old days before a man with an iron fist change all of this and the person who end him didn’t change it back as part of punishment.

The second type of quest is where you need to get a snake which is in the colour orange (the enemies snakes are green) and you need to get it as it’s the owners snake. The player can’t shot it because if they do then they get a mission failed sign (they get it if the player does the quest wrong, take too long to do it (if it’s against the timer) or die.) and have the choose to do it again or not. The player therefore has to punch the snake five times which makes it unconscious and gives it back to the owner. The owner would then say that the animals were once very nice before some had some of the animals to attack and not trust the people in the city. After sometime later, many of the animals were back to being nice but now more aggrieve which hits that things didn’t go well at one point.

The third task has it where you need to get a agent weapon in one of the levels in the game and describes what it looks like. The player would have to play (or replay if they finish (NOT complete it since the quest being done in it results in a complete)) to find the item, finish the level and return it back to the person who wants it. The person who wants the weapon would then explain that it was once used by Zakhaev Topagon who ruled with an iron fist and used the weapon to behead people if they didn’t do as they were told. He was such a disgrace that the god that the people pray by came and put a curse on him where he became the king of the dead.

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